Information and Updates from the Parent Advisory Council for the 2022/2023 School Year
Welcome DLG Families!
Since communication is key to building a great school community, the David Lloyd George PAC (Parent Advisory Council) has created this website to help our families stay up-to-date on the important stuff. With the construction of our new school well underway and school fundraisers and events back to full capacity in-person, we thought that an online platform was necessary to more easily convey important information. We are always looking for volunteers throughout the year to help with various events and fundraisers. Please take a look at the volunteer opportunities page, as many of these roles do not involve joining the PAC as an executive. Thanks to our amazing families, we have officially reached our $100,000 fundraising goal to build the new primary playground. We will soon be launching a smaller $10,000 fundraiser for the new sensory room (more information will be posted shortly). The PAC sincerely appreciates all volunteers, no matter how big or small your role is - so please consider helping out in any way you can!
Current PAC Executives:
Co-Chairs: Shandelle (Grade 3 & 5 parent) & Ashley (Grade 3 parent)
Treasurer: Scally (Grade 1 parent)
Secretary: Avishai (Intermediate Parent)
We would also like to extend a warm welcome to our incoming 2022/2023 Kindergarten families and others whose students joined the school in upper grades this year! Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you Variety!
Variety Children's Charity of BC has been an incredible support to our school! In 2021, they matched $750 of our raised funds that allowed us to purchase $1500 worth of immediately needed items to support our special education students. In January 2023, they approved our Variety Schools Program grant application and have matched our funds for the sensory room project in the amount of $8,067! As we prepare to design and build a fully-equipped sensory room in our new school, we would like to recognize Variety's contributions. To read more about this project and the donor recognition event (for all donors) that will occur in the Fall, please click the link below:
What's Happening?
Take a moment to explore various sections on our website. We want to make sure you hear about all the important and exciting things happening at our school!